Design Your Business
When was the last time you looked at your business? Is your Vision still the same? Do your goals match up to your vision? Are you heading in the right direction? Do your Operations align with your Vision? Does your Business Model still work and is it sustainable?
In Design your business we review all of these questions and work with you and your team to find gaps in your plans, trouble spots to reevaluate and opportunities that may have been overlooked.
Automate The Business
An outcome of the Design your Business is a list of processes or procedures that are repeatable or redundant. These repeatable or redundant processes cost profitability and therefore need to be “redesigned”. These “redesigned” processes are where the maximum opportunity to Work Smarter not Harder is available using Automation. Automation can provide additional productivity and efficiency that creates profitability.
Optimize The Business
Now that you have automated a process or processes it’s time to take a look and see what else has changed in the business because of the automation. Are there new areas where automation makes sense? Is the current automation measuring up to what was planned? Are there new ways to reduce or eliminate waste or redundancy? How can we make it work better, faster, smoother? Are we making the best use of every resource?
Optimize the business looks at all of these and works with your team to get the most out of what you have available to make the most profit for the least effort.
Continuously Improve The Business
So, things should be running smoother now and you should be seeing additional profitability due to the improvement that you have made in your business. What’s next?
Now we need to make sure that the “improvements” are still delivering the same or better quality. This could mean talking with customers to get their feedback about a service or product to be sure the quality is the same or better.
We also need to make sure that there are measurements or key performance indicators setup. These will align with the business goals and vision to complete the circle.